Monday, September 30, 2024
Home Tags Well-being

Tag: Well-being

A Laywoman’s Guide To Breast Cancer Awareness, Causes & Preventive Measures

Terrifying statistics indicate that breast cancer is on the rise in India. If you don’t know too much about it, here’s a lay(wo)man’s guide...

Girls Have Worse Eyesight Than Boys Because They Read More. Screen...

Does your kid need glasses? Excess screen time is to blame. It turns out, that girls are more prone to shortsightedness than boys.

Living In Delhi Made Me Angry, Kickboxing Saved Me From Punching...

Living in a big city like Delhi can be stressful and can turn you into an angry person. Here’s how kickboxing stopped me from...

Suffer From Chronic Migraines? You’ll Definitely Relate To These 13 Things

The intense debilitating headache not only wrecks your entire system but makes you feel miserable and helpless from inside.