Thursday, February 6, 2025
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Tag: sink

This redesign of the kitchen sink was built on a scheme...

Moray is a statement kitchen sink built on a scheme of chamfers, angled surfaces, and curved edges designed for one-handed users like amputees, parents,...

An Independence-inspired Sink

Elena (a play on the word elevate) is an ingenious enhancement to the public sink and hand dryer. Particularly useful in restaurant, bar, and...

3 Sinks in 1!

The Lifting Sink offers an innovative yet entirely simplistic way to customize the size of your sink while also reducing water consumption. Composed of...

The Soapy Snail Ring Saver

Snopi is a cute sink-side friend that doesn’t only hold your soap handy, but saves your jewelry from slipping down the drain! The little...

Sink Your Teeth Into Concrete!

The sink gives a peek into your personal style more than any other object in the bathroom! So make it count with the SCOOP...

H2O Enlightenment

The Enliten Tap has 3 revolutionary features that together help reduce user’s overall water consumption. The first is an integrated induction heating system that...

One Serpentine Sink

A winner of the A’Design Award, Spiral takes inspiration from the ancient mythical tale of snakes guarding precious treasure- in this case it’s our...

Sink AND Shower

Two in One combines the functionality of both a shower and sink faucet into one object. How?! Thanks to a sealed, jointed arm, the...