Tag: Product Design
How Does Upcycling Innovate Materials?
Amidst global concerns of exceeding the Earth’s capacity, upcycling has gained prominence as a solution, driven by conscious consumption and the circular economy’s principles....
10 Best Office Furniture Designed To Create The Ultimate Working Space
Never underestimate how crucial great office furniture can be to a workspace! We spend the majority of our day sitting on our office chairs...
10 Best Accessories To Perfectly Complement Your Apple AirPods
My AirPods are one of my prized Apple possessions! I use them multiple times in a day, whether’s it’s for calls, to watch videos during work...
5 Tips On How To Decorate A Rented Home
Decorating a rented home presents a unique set of challenges. Unlike homeowners, renters often face restrictions when it comes to making large or permanent...
This Stationery Set Of The Future Unlocks Unique Opportunities For Designers...
The advancement of a society is determined by the tools it uses. That’s why we labeled epochs by materials, like the stone age, bronze...
This Butterfly Machete with a folding design may be the most...
It’s as if Danny Trejo met Donnie Yen…
Say hello to the Gerber DoubleDown, or as I like to call it, the EDC equivalent of...
This EDC’s Millisecond-Deploy Mechanism and ‘Vanchor’ Lock make it the ultimate...
Vosteed’s new locking mechanism makes their latest pocket knife a must-have. The ‘Vanchor Lock’ builds on the best features of all existing locking...
This All-in-One 3D Scanner Belongs In Every Designer and Engineer’s Arsenal
Observation and visual understanding play an incredibly key role in the life of every creative and technical professional… so instead of living in the...
The Ultimate Efficiency with this EDC Tool Featuring Pen, Light, and...
The BoltLite is an ingenious everyday carry (EDC) tool that melds exceptional functionality with sleek aesthetics. Crafted from Gr5 Titanium, it offers superb durability...
This sleek $99 health-tracking ring marks the death of bulky fitness-tracking...
You know you’re doing something right when Samsung ends up launching a product to compete with yours, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that Apple...