Friday, September 20, 2024
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Tag: photography

Photo Prints in a Jiffy

As easy as it’s become to take photos on a whim, the ability to print our favorites has fallen at the wayside. Why not...

Time is ticking and clicking!

Here’s an interesting study I came across recently. The sudden boom of the selfie culture has actually conditioned some humans into smiling every time...

Selfie better!

Get smarter with your selfie-taking by using the Selfie Pro! It’s the ultimate tool for capturing YOU anywhere and everywhere. The design telescopes as...

One Sexy Point-and-Shoot

Segment is a simple, compact, mirrorless camera for the modern user. The design earns its namesake from a segment of the body that has...

A Fly on the Wall of Your Own Life!

Our very-human obsession with documenting our experiences isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and this gadget is a perfect tool for doing just that. Called...

An iphone case for juice and jpegs

Remember that god-awful battery case Apple released for its phones? I’ll have you know that there are A LOT of better cases out there...

DSLR Your Phone

Sure, modern iPhones have undeniably excellent cameras. When it comes to taking a photo, an iPhone can produce high-quality images, but it isn’t very...

A Modern Kodak Throwback

Designer Daniel Kim attempts to reinvigorate the stagnant Kodak brand by giving the Instamatic, a model that revolutionized amateur photography, a modern makeover. The...

Your Personal Time Lapse Tool

Unleash your creativity with Hobie, the phone accessory designed to make awesome time lapses! All you have to do is pick your perspective, insert...

This is Gonna Be Big

The latest and greatest since the selfie-stick, Stesco is the first peripheral add-on that allows you to make high-quality 3D stereoscopic photos using two...