Friday, September 20, 2024
Home Tags Microphone

Tag: microphone

Saramonic BlinkMe B2 Wireless Mic Review: A Creator’s Dream Partner

PROS: Clear and crisp audio in almost any scenario Magnetic attachments allow more freedom where to use the...

Teenage Engineering’s CM-15 condenser microphone looks right out of Apple X...

Looking somewhat like the spiritual successor to the Braun T3 radio and the classic iPod, the CM-15 is Teenage Engineering’s latest device to fit...

At just $91, the RODE NT-USB Mini is the the best...

Without getting into the deep end, audio equipment can be a tricky business. The usual problem with audio gear is that its price tag...

Make Your GoPro Audio Not Suck!

GoPro cameras are fantastic for capturing photo and video just about anywhere imaginable. But there’s just one flaw! The sound quality pales in comparison....

Microphone, meet Modularity!

I didn’t realize what a game-changer the Korus Microphone could be until I saw it. This concept microphone explores two of the most exciting...

A Mic for Dummies!

Ink Studios’ Streaming Microphone is a far cry from the costly, complicated audio mics currently available to the streaming community. This hip new type...