Saturday, September 21, 2024
Home Tags Light Bulb

Tag: Light Bulb

A Light with Heavy Responsibilities

“Filo is not just a light bulb, it’s a platform.” What Filo does is allow you to integrate various modular elements into the light...

Perfectly Imperfect

What could a ruler, light, and watch possibly have in common? In this case, the answer is IMPERFECTION! The “Reasonable Imperfection” collection of common...

A More Desirable Dimmable LED

Part of the latest generation of Philips LED bulbs, the SlimStyle LED 60 W bulb leverages its uniquely flat surface to conduct heat away...

Listening to Light Music

Description: First came the incandescent bulb. Then the CFL light, then the LED bulb, and then the Smart LED bulb. What’s the next step...