Sunday, February 2, 2025
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Tag: Home

Air Purification of another kind

You’ve heard of humidifiers, but there’s also a large market for dehumidifiers. Countries with a lot of atmospheric humidity experience intolerable summers because of...

A Cutting-edge Kitchen

Why should a kitchen be a permanent fixture? The Cut kitchen reimagines this hub of the home as a sculptural piece with personality –...

Broom broom pow!

Every Indian child is familiar with being woken up and pushed out of bed because the maid wants to do her monthly ceiling cleaning...

Stylin’ Stoves To Cozy Up To

With autumn in full swing, the Solzaima TEK Collection of stoves offers 6 cohesive yet independently unique ways to heat your home and cozy...

Putting the Me in Mizu

You can either set out to buy furniture that looks artistic, or you can make your own art with your furniture. The Mizu table...

Polygon Paradise!

I’m a major fan of Low Poly artwork. It’s the truest form of minimalism. The PAPA (Play Art Polygon Art) collection by Seoul based...

A Banger Hanger

Coat hangers have the aptitude of being so much more than a hook shaped piece of metal. The Hanna hanger lifts the bar with...

Open Sesame!

Security is probably one of the most brilliant applications of IoT technology. The MUNIO Smart handle brings simplicity of use to this equation to...

Shockingly good design!

There are so many objects that rarely see any design intervention because they “are just fine the way they are”. A designer with a...

Divine Design!

This happens to be my first post about Interior Design, and I’m most certainly stoked, because this stuff is just fabulous! Titled the IK1...