Saturday, February 8, 2025
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Just like luban lock puzzles, this chair is entirely made of...

Burr puzzles are those three-dimensional, handheld cubic puzzles made from finicky, interlocking wooden sticks. Essentially, they’re really complicated locks that won’t come apart without...

The 1976 Apple computer-I can now get a custom made bespoke,...

It’s hard to imagine Steve Jobs selling his Volkswagen Type 2 Microbus to help fund and produce friend, Steve Wozniack’s hand-built and custom-designed Apple...

The elbow-like hinge of this electric iron pivots to deliver the...

Sometimes it’s all in the hips, like with golf or dancing, but when it comes to ironing our clothes, it all boils down to...

This tiny house is constructed entirely from 100% recyclable materials to...

As I am writing this, it is almost December and I am already turning up the volume on ‘I am dreaming of a white...

This IKEA inspired bench holds a home gym while merging with...

Stuck inside with quarantine, we’ve all had to get creative when it comes to staying healthy, but with working out indoors, it’s hard to...

This folding chair perfectly balances its Japanese materiality with Scandinavian aesthetics!

Furniture for small spaces is essential and can make the difference between you loving or disliking your cozy zone. So why let an ordinary...

Planter designs that solve every millennials indoor gardening problems!

The one thing this quarantine has highlighted is how much we need living organisms to share our living space with – they don’t even...

This Award-Winning Furniture’s transforming design stays with your child from birth...

Tutti Bambini, a UK-based brand devoted to manufacturing products for children and babies of expectant parents, has officially outdone their 2017 CoZee Bedside Crib with...

This retro nautical-inspired teardrop caravan adds a dash of luxury to...

In the age of COVID-19, it seems that the only type of trip we can responsibly get away with is camping. Since it’s such...

Bathroom Designs that help you step away from the chaos and...

It’s a shame how often we ignore our bathrooms. Usually made to fit the leftover space in our apartment, these are the spaces where...