Tag: Healthy Living
27 Ways to Be Truly Happy
Want to be happy always? It sounds like a dream, doesn't it? Life with its ups and downs can be a mood changer...
15 Personal Development Goals That Will Make You Happier
Happiness comes from within. And while you are pursuing it, you'll realise that you'll be able to achieve a lot more you've if...
5 Ways to Enjoy Your Vacation Without Worrying about the Calories
The worst thing to do on a vacation is obsess over calories and weight gain. Don't be a spoilsport when you are on...
8 Ways in Which Women Age Differently
Besides the physical differences between men and women, there are also differences in the internal constitution of their bodies. Women have a number...
How Dance Movement Therapy Changed My Life
I always wondered why I'd hide away in corners, wearing baggy clothes and not meeting the leering glances of men. Being sexually abused...
9 Things You Never Knew That Could Cause Constipation
Constipation can be quite a mood spoiler that can leave you feeling bloated and uneasy. It is often caused due to lack of...
10 Things to Include in Your Bedtime Schedule to Wake Up...
Your bedtime routine does not have to be filled with rigorous tasks. Instead use this time effectively to zone out. Night time rituals...
12 Healthy Steps to Follow During the Rains
It's that time of the year when everything deep fried and unhealthy makes an unapologetic comeback. After all, we have the rains and...
11 Essential Rules of Bathroom Etiquette We Must Follow
Most people tend to get extremely territorial about their bathroom space. A clean, germ-free space is a dream especially if you have to...
10 Foods to Avoid During the Monsoons
With the rains lashing hard, it is hard to avoid getting wet while commuting to work or going on your errands. But you...