Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Card game helps kids learn about colours and be offline

There is still an ongoing conversation (debate) amongst educators, parents, and psychologists on the amount of screen time that we should allow kids to...

Move over LEGO… These human-shaped bricks plug in together to showcase...

The idea of LEGO sparked from bricks, the concept of Minecraft sparked from pixels – but the Souper Connect has a much stronger metaphorical...

This Mario Kart hovercraft is made from cardboard and looks like...

{"@context":"","@id":"","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":""} Being a hardcore fan doesn’t always mean having the real deal. Sometimes, it also pays to also step outside the box, like these cardboard...

This Rubik’s Cube with displays in each square may be the...

Right off the bat, the idea of a dynamic Rubik’s Cube with displays instead of colors sounds like a weirdly awesome idea. It’s fun,...

Pantone’s board game takes a creative spin on Pictionary!

Putting Pantone’s deliciously colorful swatches to a different use, Pantone: The Game replaces the drawing element of Pictionary with the ability to depict imagery...

Break time like Beckham

Lucky for us, research has proven that frequent work breaks are a necessity for optimum performance! And not just any breaks – stimulating ones!...

A Bigger, Better Xbox One

As advanced as the Xbox One might be, it didn’t take long for extreme gamers to run into performance problems in terms of storage...

A Different Kinda Dice

Cubble Dice will change the way you play your tabletop games forever! They’re like a deciphering game within a game! The design takes old-fashioned,...

A Gamer’s Wet Dream

The next best thing to headset VR, the Xgamer combines accelerated gaming with a curved screen cinematic experience. Its 10-inch, 1080P, 180 degree screen...

Cokick Around Here

Cokick is a conceptual shuttlecock with a digital display. Its makes for a fun and interactive game amongst a group of players. It imbibes...