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Tag: CES

Airseekers Revolutionizes Lawn Care: A Robotic Mower with Unmatched Features

A quick search on Amazon for a robotic lawn mower will net countless results, but will I buy one right now? The short answer...

Moonwalker X robotic shoes arrive at CES 2024 with improved maneuverability...

Back in 2022, a pair of motorized shoes dubbed Moonwalker burst into the scene, promising to be the fastest pair on the planet. Developed...

Sennheiser MOMENTUM Sport earbuds with temperature and heart rate sensor for...

Audiophiles who swear by Sennheiser’s unique audio quality and design have eagerly awaited the next version of the acclaimed earbuds. The waiting is over...

Chipolo announces “Perfectly Imperfect” trackers at CES 2024 that are as...

Automation almost always means the death of imperfection. The reason we have robots manufacturing products is because not only is it faster, robots are...

LG gram Pro laptops bring AI chops to lightweight computers, still...

Some brands stick around whether the original meaning of the name no longer makes sense. Products associated with those brands still carry some expectation,...

BLUETTI at CES 2023: Shaping a Better Tomorrow with Green Energy

The more we become dependent on electronic devices, the more we become beholden to electricity. It’s a resource that many of us take for...

Stargazing from your couch: This ‘smart telescope’ will directly share astrophotographic...

It’s the closest thing to having ‘Astro Mode’ on your iPhone Instead of baring the polar vortex to go watch meteor showers outdoors, you could...

ASUS ROG Zephyrus M16 (2023) is a powerful gaming laptop with...

Although laptops have been a part of consumers’ lives for decades now, gaming laptops are still a bit of a novelty considering their target...

This holographic display could be how you do video calls in...

{"@context":"http://schema.org/","@id":"https://www.yankodesign.com/2022/01/24/this-holographic-display-could-be-how-you-do-video-calls-in-the-metaverse/#arve-vimeo-65903910461eef3b67daef518610335","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https://player.vimeo.com/video/659039104?h=02305b7233&dnt=1&app_id=122963&html5=1&title=1&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=0"} Not everyone will be keen on wearing even glasses to experience this metaverse thing. Fortunately, you might not have to, especially if this hologram-in-a-box...

The Best of CES 2022 – Product Designs that Wow

Here are some of the best consumer electronics we can look forward to this year or dream about in the near future. The annual Consumer...