Friday, September 20, 2024
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Tag: Card

Card game helps kids learn about colours and be offline

There is still an ongoing conversation (debate) amongst educators, parents, and psychologists on the amount of screen time that we should allow kids to...

Chess is now a “card” game!

Never thought you could put a chess set in your back-pocket, right? I mean, sure you could download a chess app, but where’s the...

The only card Bear Grylls uses

This Christmas, buy yourself some Survival Instinct. No, that isn’t some many fragrance. I’m talking about the Jackfish Survival Kit. It doubles up as...

Avant Garde Card!

Now here’s something refreshingly brilliant. Designer Li Wenkai raised a fundamental question. Why is the Credit Card flat? Does it need to have a...

Charge Card With A Difference

The illume is a card-sized multiple USB charger that helps you connect your device for a juice-up anywhere. As a tidy and efficient adaptor,...