Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Home Tags Balancing Act

Tag: Balancing Act

New Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is One Good-Looking Feminist!

  We Indians consider it a day well gone by, if we make through it, without our politicians making offensive remarks against women. So...

What If We Gave Fathers the Same Nonsensical Advice We Give...

  Working mothers get a great deal of advice on "how to have it all" with 'all' meaning happy kid, successful careers, great hair,...

How Lizzie Velasquez Went from Being the Worldand#039;s Ugliest Woman to...

    Lizzie Velasquez became an Internet sensation of sorts in 2013 when she gave a TEDX talk in Texas called ‘How Do You Define...

This HIV+ Auto Driver Says He Deliberately Had Unprotected Sex With...

  When women discover themselves to be HIV+, in many cases transmitted to them by their errant husbands, it's more or less the end...

We So Want This Indian Journalistand#039;s Unofficial Google Doodles to be...

Waking up to a doodled Google homepage is a pleasure. It could be Veterans day in the US, M.F Hussain's birthday in India...

Now Even Sexually Abused and Abandoned Children Get a Chance at...

  Now even children with poor chances of adoption like sexually abused children, abandoned children or children whose parents are terminally ill, or in...

Afghanistan's Youngest Female Rapper Sang Her Way Out of Child Marriage

Child marriage is an evil that has been prevalent for centuries, not just in India, but across the world. Despite a stringent law...

Religion Got Cool: This Monk Uses Hip Hop to Impart Buddhist...

  Given the loud tuneless declarations of devotion, calculated to bleed ears, which most of us Indians have been hearing in the last month...

This Husband's Response to His Wife's Sexy Photoshopped Images Will Move...

  Call it irony if you will, but a boudoir photographer has taken to Facebook to spread the message and importance of beauty sans...

Cancer Took Her Breasts Away, But She Turned the Scars into...

  Nikki Black was only 23 years old when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. But this LA-based writer and comedian didn't lose hope...