Some years ago, when Piyali, a Delhi-based lawyer fell in love with a fellow lawyer, she felt this would be a marriage of equals. To her surprise, her boyfriend’s family objected to the union on the grounds of caste. “We eventually decided to get married anyway and applied for a marriage license under the Special Marriage Act,” she said. “However, even this was not to be smooth sailing. As per the rules of Special Marriage Act, a notification of application of marriage license was sent a month in advance of the marriage date to the home addresses of both our families. And the fat was in the fire! There was a huge furore over it.”
Piyali eventually did get married of course. But her situation of having to elope isn’t new to us readers. We always knew that when it came to situations like this, the police and the judiciary would be against us. But the clause in the Special Marriage Act is proof that even the law might work against us sometimes because of archaic clauses, even though in spirit it guarantees us freedom.
This, the gendered colour in law, art and Internet was what was discussed by a team of panelists on March 17 at the Cri De Femme International Festival: The Becoming of a Sexual Feminine, Searching Desire and Pleasure, held in Delhi.
There was a fair amount of conversation on sexual harassment laws and the issue of consent. “Although since 1997 the court has said that we should have a law on sexual harassment, it was in 2013 that we had an act on it,” said Nikita, another lawyer, who was on the panel. “However most employers are yet to comply with it and appoint a sexual harassment board within the company. Nikita herself has been instrumental in appointing a sexual harassment board at her university.
There was also a lot of talk on how digital provides a safe platform for activism, especially for women, without fear of physical reprisals. But the Internet can also be a dark, dark place, reeking of misogyny.
Pallavi, a law student from Delhi presented a paper on the female gamer and the problems of misogyny that she encounters. She highlighted situations where female gamers were trolled, abused and slut-shamed for daring to critique the game on their negative representation of women.
“Here’s how a male warrior in this game looks like,” she said, pointing to the graphic of a battle hardened man, covered from head to toe in armour and weapons. “And here’s how a female warrior looks like.” The female warrior barely had any clothing on, with her breasts practically spilling out.
The general consensus was that although many women have found positive spaces to air their views, there is still so much dark negativity that abounds.
Interestingly, one of the panels for the day was on the issue of protest in the space of gender. On one hand, Aditya Raj, a law student and a gay rights activist talked about how protesting over and over again with the same numbers at the Jantar Mantar was not yielding them much change. “We were protesting at a place that the police approved of, according to their time slot and permission overall,” he said. “Naturally, nobody was listening to us.”
The biggest issue of discussion, however, was their surprise over how well the Kiss of Love Protest went off. “It was meant to be kiss of love protest against the Hindu Mahasabha,” added Aditya. “But at the venue, we saw how the same protest was being used to play up gay rights, the feminist side and other multiple groups. It was beautiful how it pulled all these disparate groups together and gave them a common platform.”
“And that is what we need,” agreed the panelists. “To extend our reach and keep extending.”
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