Working mothers get a great deal of advice on “how to have it all” with ‘all’ meaning happy kid, successful careers, great hair, healthy diets, immaculate wardrobe, the perfect beach body, good girlfriends, a supportive husband and a clinically clean house.
But what if we applied the same type of inane language, we use when discussing women in the workplace, to men?
This parody Twitter account #Manwhohasitall is generating quite some buzz for its genius lampooning of the expectations placed on working mothers, by imagining if men were subject to the same.
I have absolutely nothing against fathers in the workforce, as long as they can concentrate on the job.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 14, 2015
RISE & SHINE FRAZZLED DADS! Wife & kids asleep? Now is the time to declutter cupboard under the sink & snack on your open pores. ‘Me time’.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 15, 2015
Working husband & father? Feeling overwhelmed? YOUR FAULT. Drink more water, get up earlier & dress in your ‘wow’ colours.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 14, 2015
MEN! If you speak up in a meeting & want to be taken seriously, dress smart but not too smart, stay calm & avoid appearing too ambitious.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 14, 2015
“If I wake up early enough, there’s a little time for me before the craziness ensues” Stephen, age 45. Thanks Steve mate, inspirational.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 21, 2015
Working dad? Instead of asking your wife to help out with the housework, why not get up 2 hours earlier and do it yourself?
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 20, 2015
My wife has really grown in confidence with the kids. She’s great with them now they’re older. I’m so lucky.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 20, 2015
My wife says she doesn’t know how to iron, use a washing machine or cook. She says I have a GIFT for these things. I think she’s right!
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 20, 2015
This month is all about YOU busy working husbands. YOUR home. YOUR hair. YOUR body. YOUR family. YOUR search for inner confidence.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 20, 2015
Working dad? Empower yourself by starting a gratitude journal. Log every occasion your wife helps you with the housework or kids.
— manwhohasitall (@manwhohasitall) October 20, 2015
And it’s clearly hit a nerve as people realise just how nonsensical it sounds when applied to men.
Why does it sound that much more ridiculous when the genders are switched? Sad. But this account is hilarious.
— The KnowItAlls (@ScienceforGirls) October 15, 2015
@GrantDenkinson @manwhohasitall It’s inspired. I laugh out loud then feel very sad which, I’m hoping, is the point.
— Steve Rooney (@estebanrooney) September 30, 2015
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