Home Work We So Want This Indian Journalistand#039;s Unofficial Google Doodles to be Made...

We So Want This Indian Journalistand#039;s Unofficial Google Doodles to be Made Official


Waking up to a doodled Google homepage is a pleasure. It could be Veterans day in the US, M.F Hussain’s birthday in India or just simply the day the first steam engine ran. And we all love seeing how the images related to these events are incorporated in the Google logo.

But there are local milestones you wish Google took more note of. An Indian journalist decided to correct Google’s unintentional lapses by designing his own doodles. Soumyadip Choudhury, who has been doodling since 2012, has marked Ratan Tata’s retirement, formation of Telangana state, the invention of the bar code, Manmohan Singh’s 80th birthday and 100 years of Indian cinema, among others.

Here are some of his popular doodles.



Manmohan Singh’s 80th Birthday



Telengana Statehood




The last of the Ambassadors



Khushwant Singh’s demise



AAP election victory



Yash Chopra’s death



Ratan Tata’s retirement



Images via Cutting The Chai

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