Home Work This Woman Who Found Freedom in Wearing a Hijab is Sending Out...

This Woman Who Found Freedom in Wearing a Hijab is Sending Out a Beautiful Message


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Around the world, hijab has been equated to a form of oppression and suppression. Hijab in a way curbs the rights of women to be free. Many girls and women wear a hijab because they have been forced by their parents to wear it or by their community in order to protect their modesty and save them from the glares of strange men. Yes, many Muslim women would agree that wearing a hijab makes them feel uncomfortable or suppressed but that is one side of the story.

This video is a story about a girl who found freedom in her hijab. She felt liberated and empowered by wearing a hijab. In this video, she unfolds her story of how this new identity helped her and how she fell in love with the hijab. She also explains why a hijab is just not a piece of cloth to be worn in order to protect one’s modesty, but that it also has a beautiful meaning.


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