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This Unborn Baby Girl Talking to Her Father About Her Fears is Just What the World Needs to Watch




The number of rapes in our country is somewhat directly related to the Indian misogynist culture. The notion that men are more powerful than women allows them to take the liberty to overpower woman and rape them. But is this a problem only in India? Not really! Women across the world have been victims of the patriarchal set up.


This video shows an unborn baby girl asking her father to save her and prevent violence, which she believes she will face too, when she grows up to be a woman in this world. She asks her father to be discreet about sexist jokes.


The video has a powerful impact as it talks about how men do not realise that women have to not only bear the brunt of sexist comments but also disrespectful attitudes, which convert into physical abuse, in the later stages of their life. We think the video perfectly explains the prevailing misogynist culture and how fathers can be the men, who can have a say and stop this abuse against women.


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