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This Toy Operator Forcibly Kissing a Child is a Scary Warning to All Parents



This ​video of a child molester ​in a Saudi Arabia mall, forcibly kissing a little child is spreading like wildfire on the Internet​, creating awareness ​among people about the security of children. It is not only shocking, but also extremely disturbing. Above all, it is proof that when it comes to the security of your children, you can trust no one.


This video, shot in Riyadh and first uploaded by a lady named Dissha Sharma on her Facebook ​page​, shows the toy car operator forcibly kissing the child while the little one is trying to stop him. It makes you realise that no child is ever safe in the hands of a stranger.


There were also questions raised about how a person could shoot this video instead of helping the child escape from the molester. As the original source of the video is still in question, no comments can be made about the video or the videographer.


Check out the video below and be very, very careful about the security of your children.



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