Home Work This Short Film on Women-Shaming is What's Making Us Cringe Today

This Short Film on Women-Shaming is What's Making Us Cringe Today




Only a few days ago, we reported yet another shameful incident about an Assamese news channel ridiculing women and their choice of clothing, and here we are again, encountering another short film that goes on to prove that women-shaming is a big reality in India.


This film is called Dress Responsibly, which was part of a short film contest called ‘Yes I Am The Change’. It begins with a family of three, including a small kid having a meal at a restaurant, where there is also another young woman sitting with a friend, wearing something that is referred to as ‘exposing’. What seems like an ordinary day for all of these characters takes a repulsive and demeaning turn towards the end. And just before the credits roll, these few words in big bold letters are flashed on the screen, “Real women don’t expose body, and real men won’t rape”.

Here’s the appalling video that’s making us all cringe today.


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