Home Work This Indian Woman Invented a Super Condom to Kill HIV Virus and...

This Indian Woman Invented a Super Condom to Kill HIV Virus and Sperm Babies Too!





This condom almost sounds like the stuff that dreams are made of. But it seems like that’s exactly what the researchers had in mind – to make this incredible, ultimate condom that everybody would want to use – the Super Condom! What better way to promote increased condom use than this wonder rubber.

Because contrary to what popular Hollywood movies tell us and some Indian movies too, condom usage isn’t really that widespread. The authorities have quite some trouble getting people to use it. In fact in India, only 2 per cent of the population uses condoms. Which is why, this group of American researchers, including one Indian woman have developed a new non-latex condom which contains antioxidants and can kill the deadly virus even after breaking.

Mahua Choudhory and her team of researchers at Texas A&M University have come up with the hydrogel condom, which could help in the global fight against HIV. The condom is made of an elastic polymer called hydrogel, and includes plant-based antioxidants that have anti-HIV properties.

“We are not only making a novel material for condoms to prevent the HIV infection, but we are also aiming to eradicate this infection if possible,” Choudhory, assistant professor at the Texas A&M Health Science Center’s Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy, said .

“Super condom could help fight against HIV infection and may as well prevent unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases and if we succeed, it will revolutionise the HIV prevention initiative,” said Choudhory, the lead researcher.

Choudhory, who studied Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Genetics in India before getting her PhD in the US, has been researching diabetes and the obesity epidemic.

She was one of the 54 people awarded with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s “Grand Challenge in Global Health” grant.

This year’s initiative asked winning recipients to create an affordable, latex-free condom to help battle the HIV epidemic, which is currently affecting 35 million people in the world. “If you can make it really affordable, and really appealing, it could be a life-saving thing,” Choudhory said.

The condom material already exists as a water-based hydrogel for medical purposes such as contact lenses, researchers said.

In addition to protecting against STDs and pregnancy, researchers enmeshed in the hydrogel design the antioxidant quercetin, which can prevent the replication of HIV and if the condom breaks, the quercetin would be released for additional protection.

Researchers hope the condom will enjoy greater use and have a stronger effect at preventing the spread of HIV as the new design is more comfortable and also heightens sexual pleasure.

The condom has already been created and now the only thing keeping it from going to market is an approval on its patent application.The researchers hope to test the condom within the next six months.

Once released, the new condom will eventually be made available to everyone, including those in rural areas, where these type of resources are limited, Choudhory said.

We fervently hope this condom makes its way to India!


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