Home Work This Feminist Crusaderand#039;s Thought Bubbles on Instagram is the Voice of Every...

This Feminist Crusaderand#039;s Thought Bubbles on Instagram is the Voice of Every Woman in the World



What started as a way for raising voice against issues, she felt strongly about, has now become a phenomenal success on the Internet. 20-year-old Yale University student, Molly Williams’ Instagram account Feminist Thought Bubble talks about women’s issues through illustrations of famous, fictional and next-door-neighbour kind of women, juxtaposed with a thought bubble.



Issues such as gender (in)equality, female identity, consent, rape culture, dressing, stereotyping, etc. are covered in her posts. Each illustration strikes a chord with its simple but hard-hitting content. Take a look at these illustrations and you’ll know why you should be following her on Instagram.










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