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These Three Minor Girls Raped by Their Fathers and Uncles is the Most Heart-Breaking News Ever


Three cases of three minor girls, who have been allegedly raped by their family members has come to light in Delhi in a single day. What has the world come to.?


In the first incident a seven-year-old was allegedly raped by her father several times, over the period of time. The girl complained of stomach pain, and medical examination revealed that she has undergone severe sexual assault. When coaxed by her mother, the child, residing in the Bhalswa Dairy area in Delhi told her mother about the father being the culprit. The 40-year-old father has been arrested by the police, Hufftington Post India reported.


The second case involves the father, as well. A 12-year-old girl was allegedly raped by her father, in a rented room, in the Paharganj area of Delhi, The family was visiting Delhi from Bihar, and had rented a hotel room. The father of the girl reportedly raped the girl her in the room, when the mother was away. The girl told the mother, once she came back and that is when the father was arrested.





The third case involves another 12-year-old being raped over a period of time by her uncle. She complained of severe abdomen pain, a few days ago, and was taken to the hospital. That is when the doctors confirmed sexual assault. When counseled, the girl broke down and spoke about her order. Her 26-year-old uncle was reportedly assaulting her for the past few months. He had even accused her of dire consequences if she told anyone. So the girl kept quiet. The girl was bleeding profusely when she was rushed to the hospital and had to undergo surgery. She is under duress and will have to go through repeated counseling sessions to get over the trauma. Investigation also proved that the girl’s father knew about the uncle sexually abusing his daughter and chose to remain quiet about it, according to Huffington Post India.


Are we just going to keep quiet and do nothing about these girls and many more like them getting raped by their own fathers, uncles and family members? The rapist is right there in front of the eyes but no one can catch him. Hell most of the times, the rapist is the one who is supposed to protect you. Can we just stop it, please!


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