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The First Ever Feminist and Queer Film Festival Will Be Hosted in Romania This Year


For the first time in the history of feminim, an international film festival is being organised in Romania, which is all about feminism. Called the Feminist and Queer International Film Festival, it is in the honour of all the feminist and LGBT movements, which have been making headlines around the world. The festival, which is scheduled to be held in Bucharest from November 6- November 10, 2015, will host a series of films from all over the world, to focus on women’s rights, violence against women and many other feminist and queer topics.


Romania, as a country, is not seen as a forerunner for women’s rights. This festival is sure a surprise welcome to feminists across.


Well, its about time feminists were noticed. Fighting for equal rights, letting go of tampons and running marathons, with period blood running down our legs, not shaving our armpits and colouring the armpit hair…we are fighting tooth and nail for our voices to be heard. We are taking a stand against every body-image issue and speaking against all those fat shamers.


We are glad that Romania has taken a step in the right direction.


Do visit the website here to know more about the film festival. We are glad that feminists are being taken seriously and also being celebrated through this film festival. See this video which talks about the reasons that led to this film festival.




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