Home Work Not All Men Are Rapists, Says This Campaign. Should We Be Impressed?

Not All Men Are Rapists, Says This Campaign. Should We Be Impressed?


It’s official – this war between the two sexes. Feeling ‘wrongly maligned’ by the new wave of feminism that has been gripping the country after the Nirbhaya episode, media company Mintified came up with a poster campaign against man-hating – #BlameOneNotAll. Their aim is to make it clear to everybody that feminism is about equality for men and women, not man-hating.

“We do agree that a woman has to go through a lot. The leering, the catcalls, the groping, the societal othering, the miasma of all this that women bear the brunt of every damn day. Every single day is a war to them,” their Facebook page states.

“But – generalising the other gender, is not right. Not all men are rapists. Not all men abuse their significant others. Not all men actively oppress women. And these posters say it all.”

In the campaign posters, seven women share stories about the men in their lives to prove that while sexism exists, not all men are the perpetrators.

The campaign however, has drawn flak from many quarters. After all, we do agree that not all men are rapists. But do they need to be given a trophy for it? Isn’t not-raping a pre-requisite? After all, parents don’t emphasise this when they advertise in matrimonial columns – Wanted groom, male, non-rapist!

It is presumed that the guy is not a rapist. If men agree that rapists are the exception and not the norm, then this poster campaign simply doesn’t make sense. What do you guys think? Read on and let us know.










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