Home Work Jaya Jaitly on Assisting Indian Artisans with Dastkari Haat Samiti

Jaya Jaitly on Assisting Indian Artisans with Dastkari Haat Samiti



Dastkari Haat Samiti endeavours to benefit thousands of craftsmen situated all over the country.

Very few believe that actions speak louder than words, and there are fewer who actually follow it thoroughly. Meet Jaya Jaitley, the founder of the Dastkari Haat Samiti, an initiative that has created a platform to unite artisans from all over the country. In an interview with iDiva.com, the former politician tells us about her work and what she feels should be done for the upliftment of Indian artisans.

What is Dastkari Haat Samiti? When did you initiate it?

Dastkari Haat Samiti is a national association of artisans, which was founded and registered in 1986. We started off with 90 members and now we have over 1,600 members further associated with hundreds of organisations. The initiative endeavours to benefit thousands of craftsmen situated all over the country, and even those who are not part of it.

What is the objective of the initiative?

Our objective is to provide a common platform, which unites craftsmen to work for their own interests, upgrade their skills, create innovative ideas to benefit the art and craft sector. They are also into making craft maps, documenting crafts and textiles of all the Indian states and educate them through projects like Akshara which unites language, script and calligraphy. We work throughout the year to bring quality, innovation and courage to artisans who are not known and are struggling.

You are the founder and president of Dastkari Haat Samiti. What made you take this up?

Dastkari Haat Samiti combines three of my interests which are aesthetics, culture and creativity with a strong social/political/public purpose to empower a vast population connected with the production of crafts, socially and economically. It sustains the livelihood and nurtures India’s huge cultural heritage. There is so much to do, which is very energising, so I work all the time and never find it as hardwork.

Please let us in on the current plans of Dastkari Haat Samiti.

Our immediate venture is to provide training to Egyptian artistes who plan to go back and train hundreds of people in developing their skills and assist in income generation. This is our season of enabling marketing through crafts bazaars. We give constant design inputs, encouragement and ideas to make artisans more confident. We will take our Akshara Crafting Indian Scripts exhibition to other states and countries too. We had a very successful show at UNESCO Paris supported by the Government of India. I am also working on a book on the Woven Treasures of Varanasi which will be out soon.

Are you into full-time politics? If not, what keeps you busy apart from Dastkari Haat Samiti?

I am not in any political party since 2003, but I am a democratic socialist and I’m always concerned and involved with political issues, ideas and public work.

You’re also a writer. What motivates you to write?

My mind is always engaged with current issues concerning our country. That is one of the things which motivates me to write. My experience and understanding of the crafts sector after working in it for 45 years, has given me insights which I love to share. So I write articles, books and I’m usually engaged in some form of writing all the time. I also edit and publish a monthly journal on socialist thought and action called The Otherside. I also intend to work on a political autobiography after this.

What do you think can be done to give the Indian artisans a global platform? 

Mainly encourage artisans to give their best and boost their confidence and also push for programmes that can give them a global platform. The response abroad is huge when we actually go ahead with it, because no other country has so many skills. The Indian government does it half- heartedly; the corporate sector is not interested beyond a point and private organisations don’t have the funds. All three need to get together to create something fantastic to show the world that we believe in ourselves and can all co-operate selflessly.


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