Home Work India Needs Its Own Superheroes. Can You be One of Them?

India Needs Its Own Superheroes. Can You be One of Them?


You can be a superhero too.

Complaining comes easy to all of us. Whether it’s poor infrastructure, corruption, inflation and taxes, we’ve all done our fair share of whining. And now it’s time for that to change. It’s time to stop waiting for a messiah (a superhero of sorts) to magically come in and make all our problems go away. There is something you and I can do. Watch this video and find out how you can bring change!

This video talks about the many problems we face in India… but just when you’re about to despair, there comes a ray of hope that eggs you on and challenges you to rise to the occasion. With the Right to Information, we can demand for change and see it happen. Yes, I’m talking you and me… everyday, ordinary (or not so) people.

Follow the lead of these people who made a difference with the help of RTI. Don’t be afraid to ruffle some feathers. After all, you can be a superhero too.

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