Home Work How to Work Efficiently When You’re on an Emotional Roller Coaster

How to Work Efficiently When You’re on an Emotional Roller Coaster


 Distract yourself by thinking about something else that makes you happy.

It’s not easy to keep your personal and professional life separate when you’re going through a rough patch emotionally or having a really bad day. But knowing how to go about with work when you’re emotionally disturbed is one thing you really need to know, if you don’t want to get fired that is! Emotional roller coasters aren’t always in your control and it’s pretty damn difficult to go to work, let alone get through the day when you face a situation like this! Here’s how you can manage your work life when you’re not feeling too great.

1. Accept whatever is bothering you.
More often than not, we don’t want to accept the things that happen to us or around us. Living in denial, however, doesn’t help anyone. Accepting the situation solves more than 80 percent of your problem. Learn to be positive and believe that whatever happens, happens for the best.

2. Prioritise.
Decide what is more important at the moment-your job or your emotions? Take the time to think about the situation and analyse your emotions when you have more time on your hands ie after work hours. If you don’t focus, not only will you be unable to work but you will end up wasting double the time and effort in each task. Create a checklist and put your mind to it.

3. Distract yourself.
Try distracting yourself by thinking about something else that makes you happy. The same technique might not work for everyone so do something that works for you. Play a funny video on YouTube, go for a walk or decorate your desk with post-its.

4. Meditate.
Meditation improves your productivity as it calms you down and makes you feel relaxed. It also helps you beat stress and depression. Meditate daily in the morning to feel peaceful and happy, and of course, improve your efficiency at work.

5. Share your problems.
Talking to someone you trust is a good way to let things out. Speak to a friend or a colleague who you’re close to and then get to work. Notice the speed at which you get your work done after you’re more relaxed. Getting things off your chest always helps you feel lighter.

6. Listen to music.
A lot of people, can work better when they’re listening to music. Make sure you’re listening to the kind of music that turns your mood around, not makes you feel more depressed. Listening to slow songs isn’t going to help, so fill your playlist with fun, peppy numbers.

7. Indulge in chocolate.
Chocolate makes everything better and a bad day is no exception. Dark chocolate in particular boosts the production of serotonin in the brain, which is a natural antidepressant. It’s the perfect way to indulge your taste buds and boost your mood too!

Image courtesy: © Thinkstock Photos/ Getty Images


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