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How to Make the Right Decision in 3 Easy Steps


Check with your instincts and core values before making a decision.

Often when you pause to observe your thoughts, and you quiet the chatter in your mind, you will notice that you have decisions to make. We have choices and it is always a matter of taking one course or another. Not deciding is also making a choice, to postpone a decision or to stay on a particular course. When asked if you are stressed, we often say, “No” I am not worried about anything specifically. Life is going pretty well and I have no complaints, but stress isn’t just worry. Stress is also just thinking and weighing out options in our heads, consciously but often subconsciously.

There aren’t really good or bad choices, we are automatically guided towards self-preservation and besides, in my opinion, the path a decision takes you to is just another experience in this beautiful journey called life. Our priorities are based on our most important values. The best way to make decisions that you will be peaceful with is to check with your instincts and your core values. Whether aware or not, this is what we always do, but let me shed some light on this automatic process.

A note on feelings and emotions, yes they are there to give us some insight but I don’t believe in making important decisions based solely on our feelings as I am sure you have experienced, our feelings change as frequently as the weather and the tide. Our feelings are affected by so many variables, from hormones, what we ate or drank, our current circumstances and so many other factors. So yes, feel and honour your emotions, but don’t decide based on them.

Also remember that every time you say “No” to something, you are simultaneously saying “Yes” to something else, so do so guiltlessly.

Step 1
Check in with your gut.

Think of a time you said “Yes” to something and regretted it later, try to remember the way you felt leading up to the decisions, how did it feel in your body and what were the words you used a lot. Did you feel something in your chest, in your tummy or your hands and feet?

Similarly, remember when you said “No” to something and later wished you had said “Yes”. (I rarely ever have those anymore) Sometimes I wait for my instinct before I decide. What feelings did you have then when you said “No”?

Think next of a time you said “No” and you were later relieved that you did. You saved yourself from a terrible fate. How did it feel in your body when you were saying the “No” then?

Lastly, bring yourself back to a time when you said “Yes” to something and it turned out to be an excellent choice in hindsight. How did you feel in your body then when you were making this decision. Notice that excitement and fear can sometimes feel very similar. But try to practice using your instincts and gut feeling more frequently and with awareness to help you read the signals that your body is communicating.

You can only hear or receive these gut instincts when you are centred and calm. Practice discerning between your stressed feelings versus your true feelings in your body when you are calm.

Step 2.
Clarify your highest values.

To do this, look back on some of the major or life changing decisions you have made in the past and notice the core value that drove those decisions. Eg: someone who say moved countries may have been driven by a core value of “family”. To be closer to family. Some choose to fight family and society and marry the love of their lives, in which case, the value here was love. Some pass up a better job opportunity for loyalty or integrity to their current job, in which case their values are loyalty and integrity. Taking the time to clarify your values is a great exercise that will always come in handy when making tough decisions. A “Values Clarification” exercise can be found in my book, Don’t Think of a Blue Ball. Our priorities are also governed by our core values.

When choosing between two important values, we need to then force ourselves to choose the most important one. When you choose this way, you will find that there is no space for guilt. How can you feel guilty when you know you have chosen in alignment with your highest value? Guilt, by the way is a futile emotion, which is there just so you can feel better about something that you think you should or should not do. Even if you could choose again, you would have still made the same choice.

Step 3.
Play the game out

Take a few pieces of paper and write a word that describes the various options on each scrap. So you are going to need as many pieces of paper as options you can see. Scrunch them up into balls and then play the game of pretending that you have chosen. Open the piece you picked up first and experience the feelings in your gut and also weigh it out with your values. Sit with each option for five minutes at least and feel as if you have already decided and make a few inquiries so you can gather more information about this particular path with an open mind. Often we don’t even explore the possibilities as we have blocked them out with our biases, prejudices and judgements. This part of the game allows you to privately explore each path.

Sometimes playing this game will reveal your truth and it takes guts to live your truth. While playing, you have to put your brain in a phase of exploring possibilities without threat and this will open up the creativity in you. You may even find a few more options, as you now have newer perspectives from the new observer that you have become.

Once again, there is really no good or bad, either way will lead to a different experience and new lessons. In my personal experience and those of my clients, I find that taking time out to play this game and postpone deciding just for a little bit, removing yourself from the drama and stress of the situation and actually looking at your options is in itself a great tool. What it also does is buys you some time, to allow the universe and all the other people involved to reveal a little more of the path ahead, making it easier for you to make a more informed choice. Having said that, too much mulling over a decision becomes a nagging thought and leads to stress, so yes, check in with your instincts, evaluate your values, play out each scenario, be calm and choose!

Image courtesy: © Thinkstock photos/ Getty images

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