Here’s a piece of news that made us laugh this morning. Former Disney CEO, Michael Eisner, in an on-stage conversation with actress Goldie Hawn, at the Aspen Ideas Festival, made a statement that made feminists everywhere cringe. “From my position, the hardest artist to find is a beautiful, funny woman,” he stated.
Actress Goldie Hawn agreed, saying that she may owe her sense of humour to having thought of herself as an ‘ugly duckling.’
If Eisner is to be believed we all must be ugly as hell. And hell, we don’t care! The problem with this statement largely lies in the stereotype that we cast on women – if she is beautiful, she’s blonde. And if she is smart, she has to be ugly as hell – geeky glasses, loose clothes, et al.
Another fact that makes this whole thing unbearable is that Eisner was the CEO of Disney from 1984 to 2005. So he was the man who essentially gave you the best of your Disney memories. To have such an influential man have such narrow views about women just out and out sucks.
Oddly enough, despite knowing how misogynistic he sounded, Eisner still went ahead with his statements. “Boy am I going to get in trouble, I know this goes online. (Hell yeah, it does and it’ll trend too). I know women who have been told they’re beautiful, they win Miss Arkansas, they don’t ever have to get attention other than with their looks. So they don’t tell a joke.
“In the history of the motion-picture business, the number of beautiful, really beautiful women – a Lucille Ball – that are funny, is impossible to find.”
So if you want to be Eisner’s perfect woman, you either have drop dead gorgeous looks and not open your mouth once (lest you make a joke) or you cover your face (‘coz you are ugly as hell) and make him laugh.
Well Disney, it’s a good thing you now have a new CEO. And you Mr. Eisner, fire your misogynist attitude and then come back to us!
Image courtesy: Reuters
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