Home Work Feng Shui DIY: Create a Personal Wealth Vase

Feng Shui DIY: Create a Personal Wealth Vase


 The personal wealth vase must be kept hidden away from the prying eyes of others.

A personal wealth vase is a Feng Shui symbol and is said to vastly help the owner by inviting good wealth, fortune and luck. The vase is to be filled with precious items, and kept at home or office. Placed well in a home or office, the personal wealth vase can be a powerful tool to invite and maintain prosperity. Here’s how to create your own personal wealth vase.

Select a vase that is beautiful, clean and valuable.

The material
A container made of the earth element or the metal element is most suitable. Earth vases are better, though, than metal ones. In the productive cycle of the five elements – the earth produces the metal, and hence, the gold. You may consider porcelain, crystal or earthenware vases. The metal element vases may be the ones made of copper, brass, any alloy, or even silver or gold. You may like to get a gold-plated one, if your pocket permits.

The shape
The best shape for a wealth vase is one where the vase has a fairly wide mouth that narrows into a slender neck and then broadens out into a wide bottom to resemble an hourglass. This shape signifies the fact that plenty of money or wealth can flow in, down through the narrow neck and into the broad base, where it will accumulate and remain for a long time. The vase can be as big or as small as one desires. As long as it is used properly, it should provide satisfying results.

The Chinese coins
The first thing to put in this new wealth vase, ideally, is a cluster of three, six, or nine Chinese coins, tied together with a red string.

The gemstones
Next, the vase should be filled halfway with a combination of seven types of semi-precious stones. These can include amethyst, citrine, clear quartz, topaz, tiger’s eye, malachite, coral, lapis lazuli, sodalite, cornelian, jade, pearl, jasper, aquamarine, crystal, rose quartz, turquoise and so on. Diamonds or other real gems too may be included, or even real or semi-precious jewellery.

Note: Remember that Feng Shui is based on symbolism and intent, and will work just as well if you use only coloured beads.

The soil
Next, if possible, a bit of soil from a rich person’s garden may be added. It should be taken only after seeking the requisite permission. Another option is to place a bit of soil from one’s own garden or from the garden of a friend or family member.

The additions
A red package or a red envelope filled with real money may be put in the vase. This may be paper money, coins or a combination of both.

Include five types of nourishing fruits (seeds and grain) such as millets, wheat, barley, rice, sorghum, red beans, green beans or soya bean, to symbolise an abundant and constant supply of food in the family. This (uncooked) grain may be put together in a small plastic bag, before the bag is put in the vase. This should ideally fill the vase to the brim. If there is still some space left in the vase, it should be topped off with more semi-precious stones.

Last but not the least, the personal wealth vase must be kept hidden away from the prying eyes of others, preferably inside a closet in the bedroom. It should never face the front door, or for that matter any door in the home, as this symbolises the draining away of the wealth.

Have fun creating your wealth vase. Personalise it, and connect with it. What next? Watch the money roll in!

Image courtesy: © Thinkstock photos/ Getty images

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