Home Work Chetan Bhagatand#039;s Tweet About Women Being Preferred Over Men isnand#039;t Anti-Feminist. I...

Chetan Bhagatand#039;s Tweet About Women Being Preferred Over Men isnand#039;t Anti-Feminist. I Think Itand#039;s Bang On!


The latest victim of Internet trolling is Chetan Bhagat and people are pulling out all stops to make him feel ‘ashamed’ for asking a simple question; Don’t men get ‘robbed, attacked, killed’ or feel ‘unsafe’.


Of course this didn’t go down too well with the Internet community that prides itself on being a true feminist. How dare he say men are more vulnerable than women; how dare he say men can get raped; how dare he question us… You get the picture.


But let’s pause and ask ourselves a question here. What is really so wrong about his concerns? Yes women’s safety is a way bigger issue than the safety of men but just because something has a lesser magnitude doesn’t makes it insignificant.


Also, as women, we pretty much know how it is living under unfair rules. So Chetan Bhagat asking this question is quite valid. If our reaction to his question is anything to go by, it’s like saying each time we raise our voices against rules that make life more convenient for men, it’s feminism. But if it’s the other way round, the person is an idiot and needs a slap? How does any of this even make sense?


I remember discussing the same thing with my colleague when I first read about the exception. Isn’t it unfair? It sure as hell is to me. And when I saw Chetan Bhagat’s tweet I was happy someone went out there and said it out loud. But the next thing I know he is being abused and called all sorts of names with even politicians getting into the game and calling him delusional.


Chetan Bhagat, I am sure, very well knows what safety issues women face in Delhi but his tweet was just pointing out the obvious. Yes, it’s unfair. And if we can’t deal with that how are we going to fight the big feminist battle? If we can’t deal with an equal system, if we get angry when men question women being preferred, how are we making any sense?


Yes we need better safety for women but at the end of the day it’s the citizens we should be concerned about; be it a man or woman. If Delhi feels that the odd-even rule isn’t safe even for one section of the population, then they shouldn’t implement it for the other half either. Let’s instead have a rule with zero preferences and better safety.


As a feminist I believe in equality and I stand with Chetan Bhagat, do you?


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