Home Work 8 Things You Can Say to Your Boss But Not Your Husband

8 Things You Can Say to Your Boss But Not Your Husband



We all know the check list of things that we can and cannot tell our bosses. After all, certain boundaries have to be respected especially when your job is on the line, right? Well, while corporate decorum does exist, there are a whole bunch of things you can say to your boss but not your husband. Don’t believe us, take a look.

How do I benefit from this? While it’s a good idea to be spontaneous at work, there are times when you have to raise this question to make sure your efforts aren’t being misused. While a boss might sit you down and explain why you are asked to do it, asking this question to a husband who wants you to visit his mother is strictly a deal breaker.


At my last job, we did it this way: A good boss might appreciate the new perspective but don’t expect your husband to jump at the idea of you expecting him to do things the same way your ex did them. That’s not happening… ever!


She’ll fill in for me when I am not there: Your boss will be okay with this when you aren’t around but saying this to your husband can be a bad idea.


I am good at handling multiple clients: Err… definitely not a statement to make at home.


This wasn’t mentioned in my contract: You need to take a stand at work and refuse to do anything that is not mentioned in your contract but we have a feeling your husband won’t really understand the legality you are referring to when you say this at home.


The client f*cked me, twice over: We all have our share of difficult clients whose sole existence, it seems, is to make our lives tough. But a husband, who wasn’t present at that client meeting, would probably take this in the wrong sense.


You’ll have to pay me extra for this: Research proves that this never goes down too well as a conversation starter at home.


It’s my husband; can you tell him I am not at my desk? You might be avoiding talking to him for multiple reasons, but you can imagine why it’s not a good idea to have your husband hear you say it.


Gif source: Tumblr, Wifflegif and Giphy

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