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7 Things We Hate About Having Our Favourite Shopping Sites on Apps Only







Apps are all the rage, and our favourite shopping sites are all on-board! Seriously, in a few months, shopping on your computer is going to become a thing of the past. And while some of you are thrilled to be shopping on your mobiles, it’s not all fun. Myntra’s sales dropped 10% after it went ‘mobile only’ and a similar event is expected in case of Flipkart as well. Shocked?


Well, here are seven things we hate about having our favourite shopping sites on apps only.


All-day shopping
For shopaholics, going broke before the month is over will become a recurring nightmare. Whether you are on an isolated mountain top or at a beach, promotional offers will continue to hound you via your smartphone. With a 50% OFF flashing in your mobile notifications, how are you going to be able to resist?


Bad user experience
The screen sizes are so much smaller on mobile. You have to literally strain your eyes to make sense of product images, and that leaves you even more confused.



Difficult to navigate
As most smartphones are touchscreen, you will find yourself, more often than not, accidentally brushing over an option that you never wanted in the first place. Navigating mobile apps can prove to be quite a challenge when you are on the go!


Security concerns
It’s not impossible for your personal data to be compromised via apps especially while making payments on your smartphone. The stored personal data can sometimes be used to make purchases that you never even initiated. The more mobile your data, the more it becomes vulnerable to hacking and unauthorised access. 


Impulse purchases
Your smart phone gives you access to thousands of promotional offers that will have you drooling. More often than not you might end up buying something that you don’t even need. And by the end of the month when your credit card bill arrives you will realise how often your smart phone has gotten the better of you! Also, most often the pictures on screen sell a different story than the toned down version that is delivered on your doorstep.



Health hazards
There has been enough empirical data to show how mobile radiation and addiction can cause physical damage. And with shopping being added to the list of things you do with your smartphone, it is fast becoming your 24X7 companion. Well, from now on you’re going to have to decide whether you need to shop or stay healthy.


Tech challenges
Have you ever been left frustrated with your mobile hanging, or taking forever to open a online page due to slow Internet connectivity, or the battery not even lasting you through the day? Mobile technology better scale up to match the extra load that mobile shopping will put on the processor and the battery, don’t you think?


Image courtesy: Shutterstock


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