Home Work 5 Reasons You Did Not Land Your Dream Job

5 Reasons You Did Not Land Your Dream Job



How you present yourself plays a very important role when you go for an interview.


All of us have our own different ideas of a dream job. Sadly, when it finally comes to interviewing for it, we may or may not get through. Well, it’s time you stopped whining about jobs you didn’t get and figure out why they were handed to someone else. Here are five reasons you didn’t land the dream job you so desperately wanted.


You have a standard resume.
 No two jobs are the same and it’s a ‘but of course’ that your resume for two jobs can’t be the same. The company, your job profile, the field might all differ and so your resume too, must be different. Re-write your resume to fit the need of the company or job you’re applying for. Add or subtract the details accordingly but make sure to stick to the truth.


You didn’t do your homework.
 Before you go in for an interview, it’s so important to know everything there is about the company who wants to hire as well as the person who’s going to interview you. If you land up at an interview without doing any kind of homework, you can’t blame them for not hiring you. You need to look enthusiastic and there’s no better way to do that than to have knowledge on your side. 


Your self esteem mattered more.
 There are two sides to this and depending on what is more important to you, you choose. If you say no to doing tasks which are not ‘typically’ part of the job profile, like booking your boss’ flight tickets or working late because a co-worker hasn’t done their bit, some one else will. Some people are okay with losing out on an opportunity which comes at the cost of their self respect, while others aren’t. Figure out what is more important to you.


You were way too nervous.
 Being a little nervous is understandable, but if you’re so nervous that you can barely talk, you need to really get your act together before you even start applying. Practise talking in front of a mirror to build your confidence.You could also ask a family member or a friend to help you out. How you present yourself plays a very important role when you go for an interview. Remember to carry your confidence with you.


The company wasn’t right for you.
 It may sound cliche, but it’s not necessary that the company you can’t wait to work for is even right for you. Every person has a different personality and things which set them apart from others. You might want different things out of your job and the company might be in need of something which you’re not. This doesn’t mean that you or the company are lacking in any way; it’s just that the company and you aren’t a good match.


Image courtesy: © Thinkstockphotos/ Getty Images


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