The virtual world is a brutal place. It’s a space where people have the freedom to express their opinion openly and many do not consider being sensitive towards others. Often, to put forth our opinion or thoughts, we forget to care about the other person’s sentiments.
Cyber bullying is a crime that is becoming an unstoppable menace on the Internet. From shaming people to posting hurtful words, the Internet is abuzz with everything insensitive. Yes, the cyber crime cell exists, but very few cyber bullying reports are recorded. Many people tend to stay silent; they don’t report.
But 15-year-old Trisha Prabhu has taken a step forward to stop this crime. After she learnt about the suicide of a 11-year-old cyber bullying victim in the year 2013, Trisha vowed to do something to stop people from bullying on the Internet. After months of research and hard work, Trisha came up with an application that can curb cyber bullying.
ReThink, is a software program, which asks bullies to rethink about their action before they click on the ‘Send’ button. The program recognises offensive words and phrases and asks the writer to rethink about the offensive comment. Research suggests that 93 per cent of the time, the users have reconsidered their comment.
Trisha’s program has been an effective measure to control cyber bullying. In fact, she is taking measures to educate people and teens about cyber bullying. Her research has been talked about from Chicago High School (where she studies) to The White House. According to a quote given to the Logical Indian, Trisha believes that the vulnerability and impulsive attitude of teenagers tend to force them to post hurtful messages.
Here’s Trisha’s ted talk about cyber bullying.
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