Home Work 15 Inventions That Have Changed Women's Lives Forever

15 Inventions That Have Changed Women's Lives Forever


Women have to be credited for their multi-tasking skills which allow them to manage every task at hand like a pro. But their life would have been a little bit more difficult without these simple yet important inventions which have changed their lives forever. Here are 15 simple things from safety pin to sanitary pads that can be credited to giving women a new lease of life. Take a look.


Sanitary pads and tampons: Can you imagine those 7 days of the month without access to sanitary pads or tampons? It would certainly be like a nightmare that came true. Dealing with rags of cloth that needed to be washed is a horror story. But thanks to disposable pads, this isn’t an issue any more.



Padded bras: For all those women with small boobs yearning for that perfectly sculpted voluptuous figure, padded bras are god’s gift. We are sure women with small breasts everywhere are thanking the creator every day.



Safety pin: This little piece of steel is a miraculous item in your vanity box. It can fix a tear, sew on a lost button and hold up your sari in place without causing any embarrassing moments. So for all those sudden unfaithful events, safety pins are your saviours.



Bobby pin: The long-hair-don’t-care phenomenon doesn’t work very often with most women who can’t part with their luscious locks. In fact most women worry a lot about their mane and that’s where bobby pins come in super handy. Hair styling before bobby pins were invented must have been a real pain.



Calculator: Women are the finance ministers of their household, undoubtedly. They balance the expenditure versus the savings and investments. Naturally, with the caulculator in her hand, a woman today can balance the household account at the end of the month in a jiffy.



Birth control pills: Birth control pills brought in a revolution in the lives of women. With this, they could now control when they wanted to get pregnant. Finally something that gave them the right to choose!



GPS: To be true, we are not really great at directions or roads. So a device that tells us which turn to take and which lane to skip is great. It just helps us reach our destination a little bit earlier.



Figure slimming underwear: We’ve got lycra and Spinx to thank for the figure slimming underwear that lets us be carefree about our bulges. Such a boon after you’ve missed all your gym sessions every day.



Microwave ovens: Women once spent a lot of their time cooking up a delicious meal for their loved ones, but today a microwave helps them get out of the pantry quicker. So now cooking in advance is possible since you can heat it up in a jiffy at meal time.



Diapers and baby wipes: Using the reusable nappies and dealing with baby shit was the story of every new mom’s life before diapers and baby wipes were invented. Now it’s the use and throw thing that all moms love.



Fridge: If it wasn’t for this gadget women would have to cook food four times a day and spend all their time cooped up in the kitchen. Thankful is an understatement.



Scissors: Cutting and tearing would have been a totally different ball game if we didn’t have scissors to help us snap things quicker. Be it plastic, cloth or simple your hair, the scissors are an invention to be thankful for.



Stove: Before the stove came into being, food was cooked on fire which took way too much time and energy. But now the stove has made cooking so easy.



Clothes iron: To look every bit the pretty person you are, an iron is an invention that’ll help you get those creases off your clothes in a jiffy.



Hair removal products: All hairy women everywhere are thankful for all the hair removal products that are now easily accessible. Be it razors, epilators or the traditional waxing, it’s all a boon for women who like to be prim and proper.




Image courtesy: Image courtesy: ©Thinkstock photos/ Getty images and Shutterstock


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