Home Work 10 Work Excuses That Only Women Can Get Away With

10 Work Excuses That Only Women Can Get Away With


In all honestly, I’ve been there done that. From the very common, ‘It’s that time of the month,’ to the super creative, ‘My cat has food poisoning and she doesn’t trust anyone but me,” we women have a list of excuses that could put any man to shame. Boy are we creative or what! However I don’t think all our excuses are fair. Take for example period pain; I really don’t think that women should use it so liberally. Yes there are some months where the pain threatens to kill but many-a-times it’s the go-to excuse to get an easy break from work. From super lame to highly unbelievable, here are the list of excuses that I’ve heard women use, and get away with at work. I applaud the think-plan behind them, but are they really fair? Tell me in your comments below.

Image courtesy: ©Thinkstock photos/Getty image/Shutterstock

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