Home Work 10 Types of Bosses You Don't Want to Work With

10 Types of Bosses You Don't Want to Work With


Bosses come in all shapes, sizes and gender too. While very few people actually have the good fortune of finding their dream boss – that amazing combination of mentor and friend, we still manage to have reasonably decent bosses. But there are some kinds of bosses who need to be avoided, with a ten-foot barge pole, at that. Here are ten kinds of bosses that you must avoid working for, at all costs.

The 24/7 Boss: This person has no life outside work and will not hesitate to call you at 3 AM in the morning for clarifications and changes, because he/she is actually up at that hour, checking office mails. Get away before you lose all your sleep too.


The Angry Supervisor: This one will yell – a lot! Be prepared for curses, tantrums, slammed doors and an erupting volcano at any time of the day if you take up employment with somebody like this!


The Clueless One: This one is like the 3 AM boss even at 11 in the morning. Any query will elicit a blank look and a ‘whaaa..?”.


The Escapist: Anytime there is a crisis at work, don’t look around for this boss. Chances are that he/she has already faked an emergency or an unavoidable doctor’s appointment and done the disappearing act.


The Suck-up: “Yessir, my team will deliver this project to you at any time of the day or night that you want, whether it’s a working day or a holiday!” You want to avoid having a boss like this.



The Micro-Manager: This person will spend so much time in getting your papers stapled or ensuring that printouts are taken, the PPT has been transferred to the right folder, that there is no time for other things, like his own duties.


The BFF: This one is not sure whether to be your boss or be your friend. And by the time he/she reaches a conclusion on it, the erratic behavior that ensues in between is sheer agony. “Never mind the deadline now, come out with me for a drink.” And halfway through the drink, “You better ensure that you stick to that deadline. I need that project. But let’s have another drink first.”



The Ancient One: “Gee, I was never this happy-go-lucky or wacky in my 40s like you guys are. Back then, we just had our noses to the grindstone.” Sound familiar?


The Mental Undresser: This one needs no introduction. He has already mentally undressed you the first time he met you. He addresses all women as sweetie, darling or dear. His eyes are never on your face, just a tad below.



The Perennial Absentee: This one is the opposite of the Micro-Manager. This boss is the remote controller, never in office. If he/she actually comes to office, it’s actually an eventful day. Yet, this person is hardly ever accessible even over phone. Even your clients know by now to come to you, rather than your boss to fix a problem. And once a month, your team celebrates Today-My-Boss-Came-To-Work Day. Only until lunch time, for the boss leaves after that.



Source: Giphy

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