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Yami Shares A Heartwarming Story Of An Imprisoned Father Helping His Daughter With Exams


Yami Gautam Dhar is playing the role of a cop in her upcoming Netflix film Dasvi starring Nimrat Kaur and Abhishek Bachchan. A few parts of the movie were shot inside the Agra Central Jail where prisoners indirectly interacted with the actors. Speaking about the shoot, Yami shared an experience that stayed with her.

Yami Gautam Dhar shares the story of a jail inmate during the filming of ‘Dasvi’

Source: Instagram/yamigautam

The plot of Dasvi revolves around a politician (played by Abhishek Bachchan) who is sent to judicial custody. During his time in prison, he decides to prepare for 10th standard examinations. Yami plays the role of a cop who is constantly at loggerheads with Bachchan’s character. Since several parts of the movie were shot inside the Agra Central Jail, as reported by the Hindustan Times, inmates indirectly approached the stars to share their messages or request for autographs.

Speaking to India Today, Yami said, “There was particularly one inmate, his story kind of stayed with me. I didn’t even meet him. But he sent his register just for an autograph and with a picture of his daughter. And it had written notes which he prepared for his daughter, who is a teenager.” 

She continued, “And it had different career options—if she wants to become an IAS officer, this is what she needs to score in 12th, and so on and so forth. If she wants to join the army, this is the procedure. And if she wants to become a banker… and, of course, that has happened at the library. I am sure that’s where he had gathered all the information.”

Yami Gautam Dhar on the life of inmates

Source: Instagram/yamigautam

Yami shared how the experience made her acknowledge that there’s so much more to the inmates’ situation. The 33-year-old actor said, “We never know what somebody’s story is and you know, what’s happening in someone’s life. Right now, of course, we couldn’t interact with the inmates. But whatever little stories that you get to know as actors, as humans, you don’t even realise there’s so much happening around.”

Dasvi will screen on Netflix India on April 7, 2022. Right now, the actors are busy promoting their upcoming movie on various platforms.

Social and lead image credit: Instagram/yamigautam


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