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What Trusting Your Partner To Not Cheat Looks Like In The Age Of Modern Dating


It’s been rightly said, “Love is giving someone the power to destroy you but trusting them not to.” Relationships are fragile, so is love, and trust plays a significant and undying role in sustaining relationships. 

Perhaps, the best proof of love is trust. But then, trusting someone isn’t an easy thing to do. Love is strongest when you know how to let your trust take over the doubts as it bears the testimony to a successful relationship. Here’s what trusting your partner to not cheat actually looks like…

1. Trusting your partner means not checking their phone in their absence.

2. Trusting your partner means not keeping a check on their whereabouts.

3. Trusting your partner means not asking for their social media passwords or their phone password.

4. Trusting your partner means not enquiring who were they talking to, if you find their phone busy at midnight.

5. Trusting your partner means not stalking people they interact with on social media.

6. Trusting your partner means not keeping a tab on their “last seen at”.

7. Trusting your partner means you don’t question them when you spot them smiling at their phone for 30 mins.

8. Trusting your partner means you don’t get worried about their late hours at work or when they go for a work meeting on a weekend.

9. Trusting your partner means not fighting with them if they pass a compliment to another woman for looking pretty.

10. Trusting your partner means letting them go alone to meet an old friend, without expecting to tag along.

11. Trusting your partner means not doing a loyalty test on them.

12. Trusting your partner means letting them be, and not monitoring them 24×7.

13. Trusting your partner means giving them the benefit of the doubt.

14. Trusting your partner means not cross questioning them if you spot something suspicious. Instead, you wait for them to tell you. 

15. Trusting your partner means not getting jealous when you see them talking to another woman or sharing a drink with them.

16. Trusting your partner means you have way too much love and respect for the love of your life and don’t believe in bringing up petty things to eff up your bond.

17. Trusting your partner means you don’t need to reassure yourself in order to make you believe that you have made the right decision. 

18. Trusting your partner means you lay your faith in them and trust them with your life.

19. Trusting your partner means not asking his/her friends to double check what they have told you.

20. Trusting your partner means you are not afraid to show your vulnerable side. In fact, you feel more confident, safe, and secure when they are around. That kind of love is perhaps the best of all kinds.

21. Trusting your partner means you don’t need to filter your words or fabricate them. 

22. Trusting your partner means not asking them to send a picture as proof who they are hanging around with.

23. Trusting your partner means not going into any further verification to what they have told you. It only means their word is your final word and no outsider can play any role there.

24. Trusting your partner means not just saying that you do, but to prove it with your gestures.


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