Let’s admit that most of us are confused about what LGBTQ+ actually means. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer “+” the other myriad sexualities that exist outside of these four orientations. The “+” also includes people who are intersex or asexual–one who has no sexual desires towards any gender at all. In the midst of all of this, we have another term altogether, “bi-curious”.
So, what is bi-curious? The Cambridge dictionary defines bi-curious as, “A bi-curious person is sexually interested in both men and women but may not be completely bisexual.” It defines bisexual as, “sexually attracted to both men and women.” What, then, differentiates someone who is bisexual from someone who is bi-curious?
According to lifestyle writer and activist Gabriella Alexa, the whole thing is a bit of a grey area. Speaking to a lifestyle publication, Gabriella stated that the term “bi-curious” implies that someone needs to have a certain amount of sexual experience before they can identify as bisexual. In many ways, this shows that people still doubt the idea that bisexual people are naturally oriented towards both genders.
To put this in perspective, have we ever questioned anyone who is heterosexual? Do we ever ask them if they have “explored” sleeping with the opposite sex enough to be sure they are heterosexual? In fact, we do the opposite. We are so sure that a person is heterosexual that some even “save” themselves till marriage to start having sex at all. What if they have sex after marriage and then realise they don’t like the opposite sex at all? I’m kidding, nobody ever asks this question or even thinks about it.
“To me, the term bi-curious reflects a belief that orientation is something you have to explore sexually and romantically before it’s real, which I disagree with,” Alexa elaborated. “This idea isn’t unique to bisexuality; we hear it a lot when preteens and teenagers identify as anything other than straight. The suggestion is often that they’re too young and have to ‘explore’ first.”
Labels assert identity but are not necessary
Many, however, disagree with her. Seema* always thought she was straight until she met a girl in college. She started feeling more than friendship for her. However, the feelings were not strong enough for her to act on them physically. For people like Seema, the ability to identify as bi-curious saves them from having to make the statement that they are bisexual, which might not necessarily be true.
This is something Gabriella herself is aware of as she said, “Labels are social constructs and they’re about making us feel affirmed in ourselves, so if ‘bi-curious’ accomplishes that for people, I’m supportive.”
We completely agree. It’s not the label that matters so much but people’s ability to feel free to identify with sexual orientations beyond the normative heterosexual. With the decriminalisation of homosexuality last year, India is beginning to move forward from the idea that physical and romantic relationships happen only between men and women. In fact, social media recently celebrated an Indian-Pakistani lesbian couple who had a beautiful photoshoot taken in New York City.
The Supreme Court, in 2014, also affirmed that transgender be declared to be the “third” gender allowing for many to choose beyond the traditional “male” and “female” genders when filing official paperwork. It also recognised that transgender people are protected by the Fundamental Rights of the Constitution like everyone else.
So, whether you see yourself as bisexual, bicurious, gay, lesbian, or heterosexual, it does not matter as much as having the freedom to explore your orientation without judgment.
*name changed