Home Relationships Want To Talk In Bed? Here Are 19 Things You Should Never...

Want To Talk In Bed? Here Are 19 Things You Should Never Say During Sex


You could be a total dynamo or a prude in bed, either way, sex can sometimes be demanding and confusing. If you’ve been with your partner over a fairly long period of time, you’re probably in-sync with what he likes, what you like and the works. However, if you’re in a relatively new relationship and have not yet explored each other’s sexual virtues and vices, this article might come handy. Now everyone has a different type of sex drive, and figuring out your partner’s type will make your life a whole lot easier and your sex a whole lot better. And while that whole process may take a while, here’s some advice on where you can start…

Talking during sex is not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you’re the kind who enjoys it and wants to initiate it to test the waters, make sure you know what you’re doing. Sometimes it doesn’t take much to turn someone off, especially if you’re blurting out things that throw him off. If you’re going to go there – do it well. To help you out, we’ve rounded off the top 19 things that you should absolutely refrain from saying during a hot lovemaking session. Take note, ladies!

1.  “I can’t feel it!”


2.  “You woke me up for that?”

3.  “Do you smell something burning?”

4.  “You’re being taped!”

5.  “But whipped cream is fattening!”

6.  “Can you please pass me the remote control?”

7.  “Don’t ruin my makeup”

8.  “Let’s not kiss.”

9.   “Are you in?”

10. “Why am I doing all the work?”

11.  “My ex loved this!

12.  “Perhaps you’re just out of practice…”

13.  “Okay, stop! I gotta go.”


14.  “I have a confession…”

15.“When would you like to meet my parents?”

16.  “You’re not hard enough.”

17.  “Are you going to cum?”

18.  “How many people have you slept with?”

19.  “I’m bored.”


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