Home Relationships Want A Strong, Independent Woman As Your Partner? Then Come To Terms...

Want A Strong, Independent Woman As Your Partner? Then Come To Terms With These 6 Things


When you ask men what they look for in a woman, most are quick to talk about body statistics, sense of humor, intelligence, a caring nature and a strong personality. Basically, everyone wants a strong woman. But we have some serious doubts on whether or not they know what they’re getting into, when they wish for that. 

Image credit: Eros International

While a perfect waistline, a PhD and someone who loves your family like their own is just the kind of woman you’d like to deal with when it comes to romance; someone with a strong personality means much more than having a woman who knows which restaurant she wants to eat at and what she wants to order.  

Image credit: Eros International

Women who have a strong sense of self-worth and personal power are often direct about who they are. They don’t hold back any punches, and understandably, that can be both attractive as well as mystifying to men. Here are 6 things you need to understand before you claim to want a ‘strong woman’ as your partner. You know what they say… be careful what you wish for, you just might get it all!

Image credit: Eros International

1. Strong women are less emotionally dependent

A strong woman wants you, but won’t necessarily need you. A woman who can get herself through life doesn’t need the affirmation of a man to feel good about her. She knows exactly who she is, and what she brings to the table. While she might want emotional support, she’s not dependent on it. 

2. She won’t be afraid to speak her mind, even if it offends you

Not to be confused with unnecessary rudeness, strong women stand their ground and cannot be bullied or talked into something they don’t agree with. Be prepared to have healthy discussions that sometimes may involve a difference of opinion. She’s not a ‘yes-man’ or a pushover.

3. She has high self-respect

If she loves you, she might go all out to prove it to you, but anything that threatens her self-respect will not be tolerated. That’s the one thing she won’t compromise on, and she won’t think twice before moving on should you act disrespectfully.

4. She’s independent and a go-getter

If she makes her own money, be rest-assured she won’t take your shit. Financial stability equals freedom and independence – and she knows it! However, this doesn’t mean she doesn’t want you to pay any bills or spoil her at her favourite restaurant or a shopping mall everyone once in a while. It’s just that she’s capable of doing those things for herself, too.

5. There’s a limit to how much a strong woman will compromise

When it comes to making adjustments and compromises – don’t push the envelope! While she might be willing to cross seven seas for you, don’t set unrealistic expectations for yourself. No, she won’t cut her friends out because you hate them, she won’t stop wearing jeans because your parents don’t like it, and she won’t quit her job because you think she needs to take care of the household.

6. There’s no time to battle fragile egos

Independent women can be super empathetic and understanding but don’t bring your ego into things! These women typically have a low tolerance for dudes with highly fragile egos and won’t waste their time trying to pretend they do. They want a partner who is not threatened by their success or any other life wins for that matter, but is supportive and thinks of her as an equal. 

Lead Image credit: Eros International and Balaji Telefilms 


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