Home Relationships Trouble In Paradise Because Work Keeps Your Partner Busy? Here’s What To...

Trouble In Paradise Because Work Keeps Your Partner Busy? Here’s What To Do


Often in a relationship, we feel that people change. When that happens, you’re bound to get upset if your partner doesn’t act the way he used to. Let’s be very honest: when you first meet your partner, things are playful and exciting; but it does pace down after a few years. Couples often make the mistake of thinking that their love is lost. This new speed only means you are settling down, growing, and evolving together. Especially, after marriage your priorities change–and most often than not, for the good. So there will be days when there may not be a single moment to spare, and that’s okay! Days when your partner is busier than usual.

However, there are always ways to keep your relationship going even when you guys don’t have a minute to spare. Read on to know what we’re talking about:

1. Catch up on breakfast

What can be better than starting your day with your partner? A good breakfast, packed with conversations, sets the right mood and helps you kick-start the day on a positive note. Since breakfast is a part of both of your routines in any case, having it together means this is one date you can’t miss out on. Just avoid discussing household chores. It’s not a good idea to begin your day with that!

2. Appreciate the little things

This is the most important thing that you must remember! Never ignore the efforts, no matter how big or small, that your partner puts in to make time for you. Appreciation will only make things better. If your partner is working long hours, it’s for a better life for the both of you. Instead of pouncing on your partner and blaming him for not giving you any time, appreciate him for whatever little effort he is managing to put in. Your appreciation will not only motivate him to do even better, but also keep your relationship going.

3. Nagging is a big NO-NO!

Nagging him is probably the worst thing you can do in a relationship. Follow this mantra: fight and forget! Yes, we as humans do get hurt and tend to keep thinking about it. Yes, feeling bad about not spending enough time with your partner is also natural. But, if he comes home late from work or is busy with something, don’t immediately jump into a fight. Just think of it as a temporary phase which will pass soon. Trust us, at times letting go keeps the relationship going.

4. Find a passion yourself

There are many out there who still haven’t found their passion. There are people who just do things for the sake of it, without any interest. For that matter, people take up jobs they don’t even remotely like–thinking it’s okay as far as it’s paying the bills. When your partner is busy chasing his dreams, you gotta find your passion as well so that you don’t end up sitting in one corner of your living room and sulk. Put your brain to some good use. Do things that make you happy, and you will find passion in them. If you like doing up your home, indulge in that. If you like to experiment with food, do that! But don’t sit and sulk, is what we suggest.

5. Find common interests

This will help you spend time together in ways more than you can imagine. Make a list of movies you both love, and watch them together. Decide on a series and binge watch them, maybe? Binge watching is a boon for many couples. In fact, instead of going to the mall, use your weekends to whip up some crazy dishes together. Who knows… maybe it’ll spice things up for you two!

6. Make him feel wanted

Now that you are wondering how to do it, let us guide you so that you don’t end up overdoing it. Leave a simple text: miss you! Or what would you like to have for dinner? Make sure you don’t pester him with constant texting. Also, don’t expect him to respond immediately–work is important too, you see.


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