Sonam Kapoor and husband Anand Ahuja are a few weeks shy of celebrating their 2nd wedding anniversary. The two are currently in Delhi, quarantined with Anand’s family, and Sonam has been busy baking, styling his hair and also sharing a series of throwback photos on her Instagram handle. A recent picture she shared was a black and white portrait that captures her at her pensive best.
She wrote, “One of my favourite portraits, I was at my most pensive, it was a day or two after #neerja released, despite the success and adulation I wasn’t feeling ecstatic.. @rammadhvani said it was a feeling of equanimity which is good. I took a year off to feel something better than what I was feeling, in that journey in falling in love with who I was I met my life partner @anandahuja. This picture is a symbol of a crossroads to the journey of fulfilment, that doesn’t come with work or a relationship, it comes with being someone who doesn’t need any of the above to complete them but someone who is inspired by themselves to feel complete.”
Photo credit: Instagram/sonamkapoor
We love that Sonam is sending the right message to girls everywhere. Self fulfillment is the best kind of self love and gift you can give yourself. So often as women, we have been conditioned to put our needs last, whether it is emotionally, physically or sexually. While work and relationships are important, the biggest relationship you can have is the one with yourself and that will bring you more joy than the other two, i.e., career and love.
We also have to say that Anand and Sonam are a match made in heaven. In an interview with Filmfare, Sonam revealed how the two had met saying, “My friends were trying to set me up with Anand’s best friend. That’s how I met him. The first time I met Anand was while I was busy with the promotions of Prem Ratan Dhan Payo (2015). One evening my friends conned me into visiting a bar at the Taj. I went there quite irritated. When I reached there, I realised my friends had called these two-three boys whom I had no interest in meeting. I was like, ‘I don’t want to date anybody. I don’t believe in marriage and all this nonsense.’ I saw Anand and his friend. His friend was tall like me, liked reading like me and was a huge fan of Hindi movies. He was an educated and nice guy.”
Photo credit: Instagram/anandahuja
However, Anand’s friend reminded Sonam too much of her own brother, Harshvardhan Kapoor, and she wasn’t too keen. “Sometimes, people believe that when they have similar interests, they can be together. No one would think of Anand and me together because Anand is totally different. He had no idea that Anil Kapoor was my father. I ended up speaking to Anand the whole evening. Anand was trying to get me to talk to his friend … like being the middleman. But we ended up talking more.”
We’re glad they did because we love seeing them together!
Photo credit: lead and social image Instagram/sonamkapoor