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Small But Meaningful Things To Tell Your Mum This Mother’s Day And Make Her Feel Special


On Mother’s Day, we usually go all out with gifts and special things. But sometimes, small gestures and words can make a bigger impact than the most expensive gifts and experiences. Branded handbags and cute knick knacks are fine, but they fade with time. 

However, words and actions stay with a person for a long time. This year, make sure you give your mother something that she will cherish. Here are some things that you should tell your mum this Mother’s Day and show your love in earnest. 

1. “I love you” 

Mother and daughter in park
Image credit: iStock

Often, we forget to say the important things to our mothers. They are always present for us, so we tend to take them for granted. On Mother’s Day, make sure you express your love to your mom and express how much you cherish her. 

2. “Thank you”

Daughter hugging mother
Image credit: iStock

Your mother has probably done a lot for you. From feeding you to making sure that you’re always happy, she’s probably been there next to you since you were a child. While we may not be able to thank our mothers for the things they’ve done, today is a good time to start saying ‘thank you’ to her for everything she’s done.

3. “ Please take a break”

Daughter and mother in kitchen
Image credit: iStock

In our society, it is expected of mothers to do so much. If they work, they need to do it while balancing a family. If they are homemakers, they are expected to do things for their husband and children without complaints. They never put themselves first. So it falls on you to remind her that it is okay to take a break and indulge in self-care once in a while. She deserves it! 

4. “It’s okay to be sad”

Sad mother with daughter
Image credit: iStock

Mental health is often neglected in the county, and mothers have a lot on their mind. Our society is becoming more open to talking about mental health, but we still unload all our grievances on mothers without thinking about how it’s affecting them. They are ‘supposed’ to be there for us, but it’s time we returned the favour. Tell your mother that it’s okay to be sad and express it. Keeping feelings inside is not good for the soul and it’s something you could remind her about. 

5. “Let me help you”

Mother and daughter cooking
Image credit: iStock

Helping around the house should be a family job and not just heaped onto mothers. Make sure that starting this Mother’s Day, you begin helping around the house. Ask your mother what you can do to help, and keep your eyes and ears open to see if there is something you can do without being asked. It’s all about the little things! 

Very often, we forget to say the little sweet things that come to our mind because we think that our loved ones must already know it. However, it’s important to articulate your feelings and put your affection on display. 

Moments like birthdays, anniversaries, and Mother’s Day are perfect to show your mum how much you love her. This Mother’s Day, make sure your ma knows exactly how much you admire and appreciate her! 

Social and lead image credit: Instagram/sonirazdan and Instagram/saraalikhan95


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