If you have clicked on this article solely because you couldn’t believe the headline that we wrote, trust us when we say this little piece of information by Durex India has left us in a bit of shock-meets-distress state.
Unfortunately, and this breaks our heart even as we write it, this is a hard-hitting fact – 70% of women in India do not orgasm every time they have sex.
Unbelievable, right?
If you think, you and I are the only ones reacting in total disbelief, wait till you see the reactions on Twitter when Durex broke this news.
Before we delve into the matter, let’s just understand a couple of things about orgasm and the female body.
We agree that there is a huge orgasm gap in India. What does that mean? In simpler terms, the percentage of women attaining orgasm is way lower than the percentage of men attaining orgasm.
According to Durex, more than 70% of Indian women do not orgasm during sex compared to their male counterparts. Ladies, as jarring as this statistic might be it includes you and I as well. And we’d say it’s high time we had a conversation about #OrgasmInequality and did something about it.
Honestly, we are still trying to digest this bitter truth by Durex. And if you’re too, let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.