Home Relationships Just Had A Break Up? Focus On These 8 Simple Things To...

Just Had A Break Up? Focus On These 8 Simple Things To Heal That Toota Dil


“One day, whether you are 14, 28 or 65, you will stumble upon someone who will start a fire in you that cannot die. However, the saddest, most awful truth you will ever come to find, is they are not always with whom we spend our lives.” – Beau Taplin

Image credit: Viacom18 Motion Pictures

You never truly understand your heart until someone breaks it. Break-ups are rarely easy and, in almost every case, the phase of nursing a broken heart is overwhelming and emotionally turbulent. If you’re currently there, here are some things you should focus your attention on:

1. Breakups Bring You Closer To Your True Self 

When your heart is broken, your mettle is tested. There are moments of self-realisation and truth—something that will bring you closer to yourself.

2. Love Is Fragile 

Love needs nurturing. It is human for it to dissolve and it takes work to recreate it. Work from both ends, that is! 

3. Talking Always Helps 

Talk about it till you don’t want to talk about it. It’s okay to repeat stories and go over emotions again and again. And again!

Image credit: Viacom18 Motion Pictures

4. You Actually Do Get Over It 

While we agree there’s no real shortcut to getting over a person you love, believe us when we say that everything can be gotten over. It’s cliche but true—time is a great healer! 

5. Have Faith In Yourself 

Trusting your own feelings and owning each emotion can be hard, but it’s necessary. Focus on your own feelings and know that they’re valid, even if that means shutting everyone out for a while. Have faith in your ability to deal with it.

6. Everyone’s Healing Process Looks Different 

Whether it’s listening to a particular song on repeat, shopping till your card doesn’t swipe, crying till you can’t any longer, or going out with your friends more often than you used to—it’s all okay. Everyone deals with break-ups in their own way and there is no right or wrong way to it.

Image credit: Viacom18 Motion Pictures

7. Sometimes, The People Who Teach You The Most About Love Are The People Who Never Loved You At All 

Break-ups often tend to leave you with a bitter taste for love. Don’t let that happen. Love is real and contrary to your own beliefs at that point, you can and will be happy again. 

8. Displacing The Pain Helps 

When you move your focus from what hurts to what doesn’t — you win. Take up a new hobby or rekindle a new one-whether it’s poetry, art and photography or working out. 

Lead Image credit: Dharma Productions 


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