First of all, it is important to get along with everyone if you want to have a drama-free life but hey, who’s making the rules here? In 2020, you can get along with anyone you want. Boyfriend’s parents who? Anyway, moving on—let’s get to asking the real questions. Does it matter if you don’t?
In terms of importance, where do they figure?
In terms of relationship, the most important are the two people in it–you and your partner. Every other person–including best friends, mothers, siblings, fathers–everyone, despite the closeness, comes after. Surely there will be instances where either of them might be prioritized over you, however, the core relationship is essentially just the two of you.
When it comes to the parents of your significant other, there are a few rules to play by. Considering it’s the millennial generation interacting with pre-internet era, there can be more than a few reasons why some friction might arise. Here’s where the time spent in the relationship becomes important. If it is a fairly new relationship and you’ve met the family already, there isn’t the same pressure to get along as it would be when you know you’re going to have to spend the rest of your life with them.
So how do they differ?
In the first situation, not being in a long relationship is not your hall pass to being rude. In the second situation, being in a long relationship is not your hall pass to always adjust or compromise. In both cases, the trick lies in how you place your argument. In a relatively shorter companionship, you might spend more time in understanding what parental triggers are and how exactly you can get them to hear you–in a longer one, it’s fairly more known. However, the end point remains to not let it dominate your relationship.
The takeaway is that it’s not necessary that you get along on all matters–you might be of the polar opposite opinion as them however, it should never get to a point that it jeopardizes your relationship. Being able to voice your issues with them, immaterial of the relationship duration, should be done in a calm and understanding way instead of being rude. Getting flustered at not being able to make an elderly person understand your viewpoint shouldn’t be seen as a personal failure.
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